Step 1: Settings

This step allows you to specify the settings for the scale.

For this step:

  1. Enter a name for the scale.

    Duplicate names are not permitted.

  2. From the Scale Type drop-down field, select one of the following options:
    • Radio Button: This scale displays a group of radio buttons ranging from the top limit of the scale to the bottom limit. An individual chooses a score by selecting the appropriate radio button.

    • Slider Scale: This scale displays a bar with a bottom limit of the scale located on the left side of the bar and the top limit of the scale located on the right. An individual chooses a score by either sliding the marker along the bar to a point value or clicking a plus or a minus sign until the rate is appropriate.

  3. Enter values for the following fields:
    • Scale Increment: This is the value indicating the degree of change in the scale as it progresses from the lowest point to the highest limit.


      Radio scales must increment using whole numbers (for example, 1, 3, 6); slider scales can have an increment carried to a decimal number (for example, 2.5, 3.6, 6.9).

    • Scale Upper Limit: This is the highest point or value on the scale and the best score.

    • Scale Lower Limit: This is the lowest value available on the scale and the worst score.

  4. Select the Include the N/A Option check box to allow the user to select N/A as a score and omit the item from the scoring calculation.
  5. In the Display Options section, indicate the information that is visible to the employee, the manager, and an appraiser who is not the employee or manager.

    The three options include:

    • Numeric: This option displays only the numeric value for the rating on the scale (for example, 4).

    • Text: This option displays only the textual name of the scale rating (for example, Meets Expectations).

    • Both: This option displays both the numeric value and the textual name of the scale rating (for example, 4 – Meets Expectations).

  6. Click Next.